Privacy Policy

Pribatutasun-politika honek (aurrerantzean, “PRIBATUTASUN-POLITIKA”) arautzen ditu, oro har, ELEKA INGENIARITZA LINGUISTIKOA SLk (aurrerantzean, “ERAKUNDEA”) egiten duen datu pertsonalen bilketa eta tratamendua. Datu pertsonal horiek zuk ematen dizkiguzu, domeinu-izenaren bidez sarbidea duen webgunearen erabiltzaile zaren aldetik (aurrerantzean, “WEBGUNEA”), barne direla (i) WEBGUNEAREN bidez une bakoitzean eskuragarri dauden zerbitzuak eta (ii) orain behar bezala identifikatuko diren beste sistema batzuen bidez bildutako beste datu batzuk. Horretaz guztiaz gainera, kontuan hartzekoak dira atal, formulario edo webguneko zerbitzu batzuetan jasotako berariazko aurreikuspenak, zeinen bidez informazioa ematen baitzaizu, eta, hala dagokionean, onespena eskatu.

To respond to the new legal, jurisprudential or administrative requirements as well as the actions executed at any given time through the WEBSITE, the ENTITY reserves the right to modify the PRIVACY POLICY taking account of your rights and interests at all times.

In any event, the ENTITY shall facilitate all the technical means necessary to access your PRIVACY POLICY for proper compliance with the obligations to inform set forth in the data protection regulations.

1. Who is responsible for processing your data?

ELEKA INGENIARITZA LINGUISTIKOA SL is responsible for processing your data (address: Zelai Haundi 3, Osinalde industrialdea, 20170 Usurbil, Gipuzkoa. Registered in the Gipuzkoa Commercial Registry, volume 1972, page no. 69, sheet no. SS-21026 and Tax ID Code: B20779161).

Should you have any query regarding the PRIVACY POLICY or the processing of your personal data, please get in touch with us at the address mentioned above or over this e-mail:

2. How did we obtain your data?

The data we process at the ENTITY have been facilitated by your and have been obtained (i) from the forms you have completed while browsing the WEBSITE (on registering as a WEBSITE user, in the contact forms, in the service subscription forms, etc.) or (ii) through inquiry e-mails.

Should the data facilitated be owned by a third party, you guarantee that you have notified the said third party of the PRIVACY POLICY and have obtained their consent to facilitate these data to the ENTITY for the purposes set forth further on.

3. What type of data do we process?

The data we process at the ENTITY have been facilitated by you and have been obtained from the forms you completed while browsing the WEBSITE or over e-mails.

Specifically, the ENTITY processes the following kinds of data:

4. For what purpose and with what legitimacy do we process your personal data?

Your personal data is processed for the following purposes:

As set forth in the applicable data protection regulations, the grounds for the ENTITY’s processing your personal data are (i) your consent, given by yourself upon voluntarily facilitating your data via the WEBSITE's data-collection mechanisms, or (ii) the relationship you maintain with us for the purpose of subscribing to our services.

Where the basis for processing is your consent, you may cancel this at any time free of charge, as set forth in Section 7.

5. Who we will give your data to?

We may transfer your data to these third parties:

There are no plans to transfer your data internationally.

6. How long do we keep your data?

Generally, data are kept until your authorisation is cancelled or until you ask for them to be erased, and for as long as they are needed to meet the ENTITY’s legal obligations.

Nevertheless, the ENTITY has internal policies controlling the time frames for erasing the personal data in its possession, so it may delete them when they are no longer necessary or pertinent to the purpose for which they were collected.

7. What rights do you hold?

According to data protection regulations, you have the following rights vis-à-vis your data, which you may exercise throughout the processing term. You have the right to:

You are entitled to cancel the authorisation given at any time, without prejudice to the legitimacy of the processing done prior to such cancellation.

To exercise these rights, you must send a written request to the ENTITY, at the address indicated in Section 1 or at the following e-mail address:

Should you not be satisfied about exercising your rights, you may file a claim with the competent data protection authority (in Spain, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, Agencia Española de Protección de Datos). To get in touch with them, visit

8. Security Measures

THE ENTITY undertakes to process the user’s personal data with absolute confidentiality, in keeping with the duty of secrecy, as established in data protection regulations. To such an end, it shall adopt the technical and organizational security measures necessary to ensure the security of your personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, processing and/or unauthorised access, account taken of the state of technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risks to which these are exposed.

9. Cookies policy

We also inform you that the WEBSITE has a cookie policy that you can check at enlace.