Voices created by means of neuronal networks

The Elhuyar

speech synthesis system (TTS, Text To Speech)


0/100 characters

What do we offer?

Create your custom voices

To reinforce your brand.

To enable customers to identify your organisation.

To adapt the voices to your needs.

Authentic-sounding voices available in 6 languages

Basque, Spanish, French, English, Catalan and Galician.

Based on AI and neuronal networks.

A reading bar for websites

Incorporate a reading bar into your website.
With a single click the web content can be listened to.
Accessibility: users offered new opportunities.
Nothing needs to be downloaded.


Incorporate the synthesised voices developed by Elhuyar into your apps. The REST API set up for this purpose provides a wide range of opportunities and is very simple to incorporate. Convert texts into voice whenever you want.


We manage data securely, and the service guarantees full confidentiality and privacy.


Plans for using TTS voices

The reading bar in one language on your website

100 /month *

Barra irakurlea zure webgunean 2 hizkuntzatan

175 /month *

The reading bar in the 6 languages on your website

250 /month *

Free plan

0 /month *

No need to register

  • Text box (maximum 100 characters)
  • Documents and web pages
  • Possibility of using custom voices
  • Statistics

Basic plan

7 /month *

10.000 characters/month

  • Text box (maximum 1,000 characters)
  • Documents and web pages
  • Possibility of using custom voices
  • Statistics

Advanced plan

50 /month *

100.000 characters/month

  • Text box (maximum 5,000 characters)
  • Documents and web pages
  • Possibility of using custom voices
  • Statistics

Supplementary package

1€/1,000 characters *

Pay according to the number of characters you need

* VAT (21 %) not included in these prices

Creation of a custom TTS voice

Get in touch with us

Research and development

Elhuyarren TTS ahotsak eta TTS ahots pertsonalizatuak sortzeko erabili den teknologia Orai adimen artifizialeko langunean sortutakoa da.

Orai NLP Teknologiak langunean adimen artifizialeko ikerkuntza, garapena eta berrikuntza egiten dute, industria- eta enpresa-ehun lehiakorragoa, administrazio publiko eraginkorragoa eta gizarte inklusiboagoa sustatzeko.

Get in touch with us

If you need further information about Elhuyar TTS, complete the form below.

Basic data protection information


Purpose:Management of queries raised and requests made.

Rights:You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time, to object to the processing of the data, and to access it, rectify it and delete it by written request using the following e-mail address:datuensegurtasuna@elhuyar.eus.

Further information:Additional detailed information on data protection can be consulted here:Privacy Policy.